Wet magnetic separator drum with countercurrent tank:
Wet drum magnets are used to process iron from ore mixtures, increase efficiency, and enhance product quality. In fact, these types of drums are often used to separate and enrich wet iron ore using magnetic properties to produce iron ore concentrate.
How the magnetic separator drum with countercurrent tank works:
How the magnetic separator drum with countercurrent tank works:
This company has the ability to design and manufacture wet drum magnetic separators with three tanks: counter-rotation, concurrent, and counter-current. In order to increase the efficiency and improve the performance of iron ore processing lines, Papco Parsian Industrial Group Company recommends using wet drums with counter-rotation tanks at the beginning of the line due to achieving high recovery and also using wet drums with counter-current tanks at the end of the line to achieve maximum grade. Dimensions of wet drum separators with counter-current tanks: Papco Parsian Industrial Group Company has the ability to manufacture wet drum separators with counter-current tanks in all three laboratory, pilot, and industrial scales. The table below shows the exact dimensions of the drums based on their length and diameter.
Magnetic field intensity of wet separator drum with countercurrent tank:
1- Low Field Intensity Wet Drum Separators (LIMS): For separating fine particles with strong magnetic properties (ferromagnetic) and cleaning heavy magnetic media 2- Medium Field Intensity Wet Drum Separators (MIMS): For fine particles with medium magnetic properties 3- High Field Intensity Wet Drum Separators (HIMS): Mainly used for hematite processing and in some cases is a suitable alternative to the flotation process. This company has the ability to produce 500-7000 Gauss drum separators in dry and wet types.
After-sales support and service
Wet magnetic separator drums manufactured by Papco Parsian Industrial Group (Papcomagnet) have a one-year warranty and ten years of after-sales service, including technical support and the supply of original parts. For more information and support, contact Papcomagnet's after-sales service department.
Other advantages of the magnetic separator drum with countercurrent tank:
Other advantages of the magnetic separator drum with countercurrent tank:
Application of wet separator drum in various industries:
Production of iron concentrate by enriching magnetite and hematite from interfering elements Steel processing and casting industries Chrome processing industries Feldspar processing industries Lead and zinc processing industries Aluminum processing industries Titanium processing industries Removing interfering iron from bauxite soil in the alumina production process Refractory soil industries Removing iron from raw materials to produce refractory materials Waste recycling industries and separating metal waste from municipal waste Glass and ceramic industries Coal processing industries Purification of micron materials with diamagnetic properties (silica, nepheline, kaolin) from ferromagnetic materials and removing interfering iron particles
Price and purchase conditions of the device
Wet magnetic separator drums manufactured by Papco Parsian Industrial Group (Papcomagnet) have a one-year warranty and ten years of after-sales service, including technical support and the supply of original parts. For more information and support, contact Papcomagnet's after-sales service department.